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Routine dental exams are critical to maintaining the health of our teeth and gums, but unfortunately, millions of Americans fail to see a dentist every year. Creating a sincere habit of a routine check-up with a dentist, will not only keep your teeth and gums healthier but is a great habit to get into to maintain ideal overall health.  Your job to see your dentist for a regular check-up will become easier – every visit will less likely feel like a chore. 

When you see a dentist regularly for a dental exam, your dentist is able to detect problems early on which is likely to be more effective in treatment, easier, and less costly. In addition, routine dental exams can also prevent potential dental problems from developing to begin with. Sometimes oral health problems may not show any symptoms and during a dental exam, your dentist is able to perform a comprehensive oral health exam that can potentially detect any issues early on as opposed to later when it reaches later stages, which can be harmful.

Dental exams involve a lot more than just taking a look at your teeth. Your dentist will examine your entire mouth, providing you with excellent oral health care that you deserve. At Salo & Salo Dental, our expert dentists understand the importance of having a reliable and knowledgeable team that you can count on. We are here to provide you with unmatched dental care. If you are interested in scheduling a dental exam in Los Angeles, feel free to contact our team!

Why Are Dental Exams Important For Your Overall Health?

Dental exams are also important to your overall health. For example, when you visit a dentist for the first time, your dentist will go through a list of questions pertaining to your overall health and medical history. If you have seen that particular dentist before for a dental exam, your dentist will still want to know if there have been any changes in your overall health.

It is important for your dentist to ask you such questions because it will help provide better insight regarding any medications, treatments, or conditions that you may have so that no issues arise during your dental treatment. In addition, your medical history also provides important information in regards to how your dentist will perform a dental exam.

Dental exams are imperative for reasons pertaining to your overall health because studies have shown links between certain medical conditions and your oral health. Therefore, getting regular dental exams is important to your oral health and overall health.

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What is included in a Dental Exam?

As mentioned earlier, a dental exam consists of a lot more than just examining your teeth. Here are some other procedures that are performed during a routine dental exam:

An examination your teeth, gums, and jaw

During a dental exam, your dentist will use an instrument that has an angled mirror attached to it. It will allow your dentist to check behind and between your teeth to determine if there are any signs of cavities. Additionally, your dentist will check for any problems with the gums, including swelling, redness, or lesions. During the exam, your dentist will check for any indications of gum disease, otherwise known as periodontitis. This can be characterized by pockets in between the gum line and where the tooth is secured in place.  Another important factor involved in a dental exam is checking your jawbones and its alignment. When doing so, your dentist will be able to see if your bite is properly aligned and whether there is any popping from the joints. Your dentist will want to ensure that you do not clench your jaw and if so, will provide you the necessary treatment to protect your teeth from damage.

Oral Cancer Screening

An oral cancer screening is also involved in a dental exam. Generally, the initial stages of cancer are not always immediately apparent by the patient. Therefore, your dentist will be able to determine any warning signs of mouth or throat cancer. Some of the warning signs include lesions, ulcers, bleeding, blocked salivary glands, among other symptoms.

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Salo Salo Dental Exam Smile

Checking For Signs of Diabetes

Certain conditions such as gum infection or halitosis can be signs of diabetes. Individuals who are diabetic are susceptible to gum issues because it is more difficult to fight off bacteria within their entire body. Additionally, bone loss is another indication of diabetes, among other factors.


Not every oral health problem is visible to the naked eye. Therefore, your dentist will perform an X-ray, which will allow him to detect issues below the surface of the teeth and gums. X-rays can detect a number of oral health problems, including gum infections, jaw and tooth root issues, and more.

At Salo & Salo Dental, we utilize the latest dental technology, including advanced X-ray equipment that is safer and more efficient than ever before.

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Salo & Salo Dental

Teeth Cleaning

During a dental exam, you can also expect a professional teeth cleaning, which involves the process of removing plaque, tartar, and a thorough flossing procedure that can remove bacteria and food particles. Professional teeth cleanings are highly effective in providing you with a clean, shiny, and healthy smile.

Contact Us to Schedule a Dental Exam

Is it time to schedule your routine dental exam in West Hollywood? If so, our team is here to provide you with the best service and results at your appointment. Dental exams are imperative to preventative care and catching oral health concerns early on. With years of experience providing patients with the dental care that they need, we are confident in the work that we do and the results that we provide. Contact our team today to schedule your routine dental exam in Beverly Hills and take charge of your oral health!

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