Dental erosion, otherwise known as enamel erosion or acid erosion, is a condition that occurs due to acids softening and removing the enamel from the teeth. Once enamel has been damaged, it cannot grow back, making dental erosion a permanent condition. However, there are many different highly effective cosmetic treatments that can be done to conceal the damaged surfaces of the teeth, which can result in an attractive, durable, and less sensitive smile. 

At Salo & Salo Dental, we specialize in cosmetic dentistry that effectively improves the smiles of patients who have experienced dental erosion. If you are interested in improving your smile, our team is here to help you bring your smile back to life. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with a trusted cosmetic dentist.

  • Bulimia 

Bulimia is an eating disorder that is characterized as binging and purging. This eating disorder is extremely dangerous and poses a number of risks. One of the most common results of bulimia is dental erosion, which is a condition that is often overlooked and causes irreversible damage to teeth. 

When you experience vomiting, there is a burning sensation that is felt, which is a result of throwing up your stomach acids. The acids from your stomach are extremely corrosive, which can rapidly cause damage to your enamel, removing the enamel from your teeth. Unfortunately, bulimia is a common eating disorder that both men and women experience, which is extremely harmful. Beyond dental erosion, bulimia can result in a myriad of other serious health issues.

“Bulimia teeth” are often characterized as dental erosion, yellowing of the teeth, tooth loss, among many other serious symptoms. Individuals who are bulimic are highly susceptible to their teeth becoming more brittle, as well as their teeth breaking or cracking.

If you suffer from bulimia teeth, then the disorder must be addressed as well before any effective treatment can be done to restore your smile. When you visit our office, we can discuss treatment in further detail.

  • Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa, otherwise known as anorexia, is another common eating disorder that is characterized by the restriction of food. While anorexia and bulimia are both eating disorders, one is different from the other due to: (1) Bulimia occurs when food is eaten then thrown up and (2) Anorexia occurs when an individual restricts their intake of food. Although anorexia does not erode teeth the same way with stomach acids, it can still result in serious oral health issues.

Nutritional deficiency is one of the most common concerns when it comes to anorexia, as when you restrict your intake of food, you lack the necessary nutrients, which ultimately leads to rapid tooth decay and periodontitis. Periodontitis is a severe gum disease that can result in tooth loss and is linked to a number of serious health risks, such as heart attacks, strokes, liver and kidney failure, dementia, and more. Individuals who suffer from anorexia are also susceptible to TMJ, which compromises the movement of your jaw joint and its surrounding muscles. 

Another symptom that can be caused by anorexia is dry mouth, which increases the risk of acid erosion.

Anorexia can be treated before or at the same time as dental treatment. If you are experiencing oral health issues due to an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia, contact our team to schedule a consultation.

Other Causes of Dental Erosion

There are other causes of dental erosion, including:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders, such as acid reflux
  • Consuming a diet that is high in acids (citrus, malic, caffeic, tartaric, etc.)

When consuming food or drinks that are high in acid, the problem can be worsened when these foods are held in the mouth before swallowing. 

Patients who suffer from GI disorders can receive treatment from a doctor through prescription medication or over-the-counter medication. Individuals who consume a diet high in acids can lessen the damage by drinking through a straw or not holding these types of foods or drinks in the mouth for a long period of time before swallowing.

Treatments For Dental Erosion

At Salo & Salo Dental, we offer a wide range of highly effective treatments for patients who have experienced dental erosion, including:

  • Porcelain veneers

    Ultra-thin, highly durable ceramic shells that are permanently bonded to the front of your teeth to cover damaged, eroded, crooked, discolored, chipped, or gapped teeth, creating an enhanced appearance. 

  • Dental bonding

    Bonding is applied in layers to eroded teeth, which helps to rebuild structure and restore the smile. Dental bonding is colored to match adjacent teeth, providing a seamless and natural appearance.

  • Dental crowns

    Dental crowns are placed over an entire tooth, which protects and covers the tooth from further damage. Dental crowns are also colored to match adjacent teeth to perfectly match the rest of your smile.

  • Other cosmetic and restorative dental treatments

When it comes to restoring your smile, there is not a one-size-fits-all solution for every patient. Every patient is different, therefore, one might require different treatment from the other. To learn what treatment is best for you, contact our team to schedule a consultation!