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Do you have yellow or brown staining on your teeth that is affecting your self-esteem? Perhaps you find yourself covering your smile when you laugh or tend to smile with your mouth closed so others won’t see your teeth. If teeth discoloration is an issue for you, then you are not alone. In fact, teeth discoloration is a common problem for millions of Americans and it has the potential to hinder your everyday life. From social settings, to work opportunities, and beyond–it is important that you feel like your best self. At Salo & Salo Dental, we offer Zoom teeth whitening in Beverly Hills, which is a highly effective teeth whitening solution that is widely used throughout the country and the world to improve discoloration of the enamel and dentin. 

While a regular dental routine, such as flossing and brushing regularly and visiting your dentist at least twice a year can certainly help maintain your oral health, it is still important to know that preventing discoloration can still be difficult. Fortunately, there are highly effective solutions like Zoom teeth whitening that can improve the appearance of your smile dramatically. 

What Causes Tooth Discoloration?

There are a number of factors that contribute to tooth discoloration. Some of the most common factors include food, drink, and tobacco use. For example, you may have noticed a change in the color of your teeth immediately after drinking red wine or coffee. These are prime examples of contributing factors to teeth discoloration. If consumed too often, red wine and coffee can cause your teeth to discolor, which can affect your self-esteem. Even healthy foods such as apples and potatoes can cause teeth discoloration, but fortunately there are great solutions such as Zoom teeth whitening in West Hollywood that can improve your smile and overall confidence.

As mentioned earlier, tobacco use is also a common cause of teeth discoloration. Beyond that, tobacco use is extremely bad for your overall health and can leave your teeth looking yellow and stained in certain areas. Other contributing factors to tooth discoloration include tooth decay, certain medications, medical conditions, poor oral hygiene, age, among many other factors.

If you suffer from tooth discoloration and are looking for a highly effective solution that can lighten your teeth, enhance your smile, and improve your overall confidence, then Zoom teeth whitening may be the perfect solution for you. To learn if you are an ideal candidate for Zoom whitening in Los Angeles, you can give our team a call to learn more. Contact our team at Salo & Salo Dental to improve your smile and confidence, giving you a brighter and whiter smile that you can be proud to show off.

Salo & Salo - Zoom Whitening

Prevention of Tooth Discoloration

The best ways to prevent tooth discoloration requires a change in certain habits. For example, brushing your teeth after every meal is crucial if you want to avoid tooth discoloration. This will not only be beneficial to your gums, teeth, and mouth, but it can also help to wash away any food or drink before it gets the chance to set in and cause any staining to your teeth. Additionally, if you are a smoker and you want to prevent tooth discoloration, then you should quit smoking immediately to prevent further discoloration. Another important factor to know when it comes to the prevention of tooth discoloration is limiting the amount of exposure of fluoride to children, especially before their teen years. Once their enamel has fully developed, then the fluoride will not damage their teeth.

Considering Zoom Teeth Whitening?

If you are considering Zoom whitening in Beverly Hills, then it is important to schedule a consultation with our team at Salo & Salo Dental. Our skilled dentist will be able to explain to you the many great benefits of Zoom teeth whitening and whether you are a good candidate for the treatment. 

The procedure itself takes less than an hour; however, a regular teeth cleaning is recommended prior to the treatment itself. At Salo & Salo Dental, we have provided countless Zoom whitening treatments for our patients, resulting in satisfied patients and extraordinary results. If you are interested in improving your smile using a highly effective and popular teeth whitening method, then Zoom teeth whitening may be the perfect solution for you. To schedule an appointment with our trusted dentist who specializes in Zoom teeth whitening in Los Angeles, contact us today! Our team will be happy to help you achieve the beautiful and bright smile you have always wanted.

Salo & Salo - Zoom Whitening

Interested in Learning More about Cosmetic Dentistry in Beverly Hills

If you are seeking the best cosmetic dentistry in Los Angeles, then our team at Salo & Salo Dental can help you achieve your goals. With extensive experience, we take great pride in being able to provide the best results possible for our patients. When considering cosmetic dentistry, it is imperative to choose a dental team that has shown proven, successful results. We are confident in the cosmetic dentistry services that we provide and are dedicated to creating custom-made designs that will fit the rest of your smile perfectly, ensuring optimal functionality and stunning results. To learn more about our cosmetic dentistry procedures and what may work for you, feel free to contact our friendly team to schedule a consultation with our dentist who specializes in the top cosmetic dentistry in West Hollywood.

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