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The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a hinge that connects your jawbone to your skull, which allows you to open and close your mouth, speak, chew, and yawn. The temporomandibular joint is one of the most complex joints in the body, as it has the ability to move in many different ways. A TMJ disorder, otherwise known as TMD, is a disorder that can result in pain in your jaw joint or muscles of the jaw.

The exact cause of TMJ disorders is difficult to determine, as it can be due to a wide range of factors or a combination of them. Some of the most common causes of TMJ disorders are genetics, arthritis, injury to the jaw, or misalignment or the jaw and/or teeth. Individuals who suffer from clenching or grinding their teeth, otherwise known as bruxism, may suffer from TMJ disorders as well. However, it is important to know that there are many people who habitually clench or grind their teeth and do not experience TMJ disorders.

Whatever the case may be, it is important to know that there are effective treatments that we offer to target the underlying cause of your condition. To learn how we can help, contact our team at Salo & Salo Dental to schedule an appointment with our TMJ dentist in Los Angeles.

Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

There are many different symptoms that one can experience from TMJ disorders, including:

Pain or tenderness in your face, jaw, or ears

Headaches or earaches 

Pain or pressure behind your eyes

Difficulty or pain while chewing

Jaw locking, clicking, or popping

The cause of TMJ disorders may not always be clear, unless an injury occurred or you habitually clench or grind your teeth. However, there are cases in which the cause of the condition is less clear. TMJ disorder can be the result of arthritis, genetics, or misaligned teeth. Whatever the case may be, if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, then it is best to schedule an appointment with a dentist who specializes in TMJ treatment in Los Angeles. At Salo & Salo Dental, our team is highly experienced in providing treatment for TMJ disorders. Feel free to contact our team to schedule an appointment.

Salo & Salo - TMJ Treatment

Common Causes of TMJ Disorder

The causes of TMJ disorder isn’t obvious for every case, but some of the most common causes of TMJ disorder include:

Jaw injury or dislocation

Teeth grinding or clenching


Teeth or jaw misalignment


If you are seeking TMJ treatment in Beverly Hills by an experienced dentist, our team can help provide you with the care you need. Contact our team at Salo & Salo Dental to schedule an appointment.

How Can a Dentist Help?

At Salo & Salo Dental, our team specializes in treating TMJ disorders. With extensive experience helping patients achieve the results they need, we take pride in being a top dentist in TMJ treatment in West Hollywood. Our team will curate a customized treatment plan that will allow you to achieve relief from the symptoms of TMJ disorder. It is important to know that when it comes to TMJ treatment, it is never a one-size-fits-all approach for every patient. Every patient is unique, which means every mouth is different and the cause and severity of the condition differ as well. 

In order to find the right treatment for you, our team will first need to understand why you are experiencing pain. Therefore, at your visit with us, we will perform a comprehensive evaluation of your teeth, mouth, and jaw and learn about the symptoms that you are experiencing.

Salo & Salo - TMJ Treatment

There are many different types of approaches that our team offers and the specific treatment that you will receive will be dependent on the cause and severity of the problem. Some of the treatments that we offer include:

Trigger point injections

Spray and stretch

Hot/cold packs

Pain relief appliance

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) therapy

Anti-inflammatory medication

Sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG) block

Our ultimate goal is to not only alleviate your pain, but to target the underlying cause of the problem. This is crucial in order to achieve lasting relief. Our team specializes in a wide range of advanced technologies and cutting-edge solutions, which aim to treat your pain and discomfort. If you are looking for lasting relief, we can help every step of the way. Contact our team to learn more about how we can help. 

Get the Relief You Deserve

Dealing with TMJ disorder can certainly impact your daily life. From little things like opening and closing your mouth, chewing, yawning, and even speaking, this condition has the ability to hinder your everyday life. If you believe that you are suffering from TMJ disorder and are seeking effective treatment from a dentist in Los Angeles, contact our team at Salo & Salo Dental to achieve the results that you deserve. With years of experience providing the best treatment for our patients, we are always here to help those who suffer from TMJ disorder utilizing the most advanced techniques and cutting-edge solutions.

Interested in Learning More about Cosmetic Dentistry in Beverly Hills

If you are seeking the best cosmetic dentistry in Los Angeles, then our team at Salo & Salo Dental can help you achieve your goals. With extensive experience, we take great pride in being able to provide the best results possible for our patients. When considering cosmetic dentistry, it is imperative to choose a dental team that has shown proven, successful results. We are confident in the cosmetic dentistry services that we provide and are dedicated to creating custom-made designs that will fit the rest of your smile perfectly, ensuring optimal functionality and stunning results. To learn more about our cosmetic dentistry procedures and what may work for you, feel free to contact our friendly team to schedule a consultation with our dentist who specializes in the top cosmetic dentistry in West Hollywood.

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